Sunday Thoughts

Happy Sunday, and Happy June! Maybe we’ll get some summer now, yesterday was beautiful here, but today we are back to a dull day. I hope you are all keeping well, I’m a bit tired today – it’s been quite an eventful week.

I was going to go to Strandhill People’s Market, but I’m too tired, and not in the best form, and it’s important for me to listen to myself. I’ll get there one Sunday, when I’m ready to go.

This week I had my wonderful visit to Eclipse in Bundoran, which you can read and listen to. It really was something very special. Collie is an absolute gent, and I really appreciate his kindness.

I’ve been busy compiling the Sligo Food Offerings on Sunday, there are still people contacting me, so I’ll update it with any other places as I hear of them.

The nicest comment was posted on LinkedIn, this really made my week. Not many people see the time and effort that goes into the blog and podcast, and although the stats are great, it’s not quite the same as someone saying well done. So, thank you so much to Sanja, for being so kind.

I also heard that my name was mentioned on a training course, as being an authentic influencer, that was lovely too. I often think I’d love to give a talk to businesses on how to ‘do’ social media, so many people just don’t get it. I don’t know if I’d have the nerve though.

There’s been great feedback to the Mental Health podcast, and I’ve been asked to give a couple of talks. I’m not an expert by any means, I can only speak about my experience, but it seems that a lot of people can relate to it. There will be more podcast episodes to come, the first one was just an introduction, as depression hit me out of the blue. You can listen here.

The elections take place here on Friday, I’ll be glad when they are over if I’m honest. I’d much rather the politicians askedd once a year to see if they could do anything, rather than falling over themselves to talk to you on the run up to the elections. It’s funny because that could have been me out canvassing! I was actually asked to run for a party! I politely declined, when I stopped laughing!

We have a busy week coming up. Jono turns 31 on Tuesday, it’s hard to believe that I have a 31 year old son, mind you it’s not so hard to believe when I look in the mirror! But in my head I’m still in my 20s.

Andy has his birthday on the 9th, and it’ll also be our 34th wedding anniversary. Time flies!

Wishing you all a good week ahead. Take care.

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