Sunday Thoughts

It’s been a mixed bag of a week, in many senses. There was an incredibly sad day, I’m not going to write about it because it’s not my story to tell, but I just want to say I’m thinking of the people concerned, they’ll know what I mean.

Weather wise we had one day of snow. That suits me just fine, it was lovely to look at and I didn’t have to go out. It went as quickly as it came.

This week has been a challenge on social media, and it’s not even a full moon. I’d had several negative comments about the Boxty video (who’d have thought a recipe could trigger people?). There was negativity about the Screwfix post, a new shop for Sligo, that’s a good thing! The straw that broke the camel’s back was this one:

This was after I posted this:

Maybe I didn’t word it properly, but Fiona was a customer in Osta, she didn’t work there, and I thought her act of kindness was so lovely and thoughtful, and it really made my day. In my last Sunday Thoughts post, I wrote this:

“I think I’m one of the original bloggers at this stage, I also still haven’t found my niche, the blog is still a mix of everything and anything. Sometimes I try different things to see how they work out; for example the Sligo Food News, I enjoy compiling it but it is a lot of work, so I’m not sure if I will keep it up. I know a lot of people think that I’m given free food, that’s not true, and I will always tell you when I’m given something.

Sunday Thoughts – 4th February, 2024

I will always tell you when I’m given something – it’s quite a rare thing, but always very appreciated. I write the blog because I enjoy it, not because I’m looking for anything. It’s important to me to be honest and open, and I also know that bloggers, influencers, etc. The Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland have these guidelines, which I know about and stick to.

At the moment I’m wondering about posting any food photos on my Facebook page, or maybe I should put my receipt alongside them. I do appreciate all the lovely comments and I know this ‘person’ is in the minority, but it came after a long, tiring week, and it got to me.

I’ve asked before and I’ll ask again, before you post on social media stop and think. Is your comment necessary, is it true, is it hurtful. I’ve always tried to keep the blog positive, there’s enough negativity in the world without me adding to it.

Anyway, onto other things! I was delighted to be invited along to be interviewed on the Voices of Boyle podcast. I say interviewed, I fairly much chewed the ear off Carlo! I don’t need much encouragement when it comes to talking, and I’ve always been quite comfortable being a microphone – I’ve never done any public speaking though, I’d like to have a try, but I think I’d be awful. The interview isn’t online just yet, and I’ll post when it is, but for now you can listen to the other episodes here. Thanks so much to Carlo for inviting me to be part of it.

On the subject of podcasts, there’s a new Sligo podcast. Discovering Sligo is hosted by Sally Siggins, and discusses all things Sligo; from geology to archaeology, history, folklore, culture, music and more. Find it here.

When I was on the way to Boyle, I stopped at Kingstone Well. This is a beautiful holy well, and a real hidden Sligo gem. It’s on the road from Ballymote to Boyle, you’ll see a layby and picnic benches. You can park there and walk up the lane to the well – wear waterproof shoes, as it was boggy when I was there. You can read more about the well, and the other historical sites of Keash Parish here.

That’s about it from me for now. Thanks as always for reading and wishing you a good week.

7 thoughts on “Sunday Thoughts

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  1. I love your posts Val. Im sorry that troll came on a bad week. I have had some real turkeys and I dont respond to any of them who are ignorant. You do not need to justify anything too them, and they take time and energy. I dont comment much, but I love your food posts, especailly as you post a lot of things I didnt know about. You keep on doing what you are doing, and I hope you have tome to take deep breaths, and do stuff that feels your soul. 🙂 ❤

  2. I really enjoy your posts, esp the food trail! Your blog about Sligo is always uplifting, positive and informative. Please just dig into what you enjoy about what you are doing,I know ot stings but ignore people when they are being jerks. Thank you for doing your blog, it’s always an enjoyable read x Eva

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