Sunday Thoughts

The sun is shining, I heard the cuckoo for the first time this year, and it’s another Sunday Thoughts blog post. It’s been a busy week, some things I’ve written about, and some I haven’t. I don’t tend to write about things that involve the family these days, I just stick to babbling on about... Continue Reading →

Sligo Food News – May 2024

I'm back with another bumper edition of Sligo Food News, so, grab a cuppa, put your feet up, and enjoy the read. The image at the top is food by GGs Food Truck, they do amazing catering for events, and cater for all dietry requirements, including dairy free, gluten free. You'll also find them at... Continue Reading →

Sunday Thoughts

It's the first Sunday in March, and the month certainly came in like a lion, as most of Ireland woke up to snow on Friday. Some places were badly hit, I saw images of lorries struggling to get uphill, and schools were closed in some areas. It wasn’t too bad here, and the snow just... Continue Reading →

Sunday Thoughts

It doesn’t seem like five minutes ago since I wrote the last Sunday Thoughts blog post. It’s hard to believe that it’s the last Sunday in February, this month really flew compared to January that dragged on for what seemed like years. I’ve had a good week mostly, I continued my birthday on a bit,... Continue Reading →

Sunday Thoughts

It's been a mixed bag of a week, in many senses. There was an incredibly sad day, I'm not going to write about it because it's not my story to tell, but I just want to say I'm thinking of the people concerned, they'll know what I mean. Weather wise we had one day of... Continue Reading →

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