Purple Hair – Don’t Care

I have wanted purple in my hair for a long time, and today was finally the day that I got a lovely purple streak done, and I love it! I never used to like getting my hair done, I never felt comfortable, and I used to find that some hairdressers would hurt me - not... Continue Reading →

The Power of Social Media

Social media gets a lot of bad press, and I know there is a lot of toxicity online, but there is also a good side to social media, and today a couple of lovely things happened, that wouldn't have happened if I wasn't online. I was in Boyle to meet Alan, who did a beautiful... Continue Reading →

Sunday Thoughts

Last week seems like such a long week, I often find that January feels like the longest month of the year. It's nice to see the evenings getting a bit brighter though, if we could just finish with the icy days, I'd be happy out. I haven't ventured out much due to the ice, and... Continue Reading →

A look back at 2023

As we come to the end of 2023 I'm taking a look back at my year, I'm just going to look at the highlights, and not focus on the low points. It's been quite a rollercoaster of a year, and there have been some great achievements for me. These are in no particular order: My... Continue Reading →

The Blog is 14!

Can you believe the blog is now fourteen years old! On a dark day in 2009 the blog was born. It was started as an online diary then people started reading it so what went from a few readers turned into hundreds of thousands of visits and views. The blog has seen and blogged about... Continue Reading →

A Look Back at 2021

Don't worry, I won't mention the dreaded words or numbers. This is just a look back on some highlights of the blog and some personal highlights - there have been a few - especially in the latter months. 2021 started with me getting hooked on Netflix. I used to love reading before I fell asleep... Continue Reading →

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