Sunday Thoughts

It feels like the calm before the storm, as I sit here on my own and think about the past week. It’s Andy’s birthday today, and also our 34th wedding anniversary – where do the years go? Lucy and Laurence will be over to visit later today, it’s the second time this week we’ve seen them, as they visited for Jono’s birthday on Tuesday. It’s always lovely to see them, and to have the chats.

I didn’t get out exploring much this week, and I haven’t painted much either, it’s been a busy week. I had half an hour at The Holy Well in Sligo yesterday, before I went shopping. It’s one of my favourite places to visit, and I loved seeing the robin above when I arrived there.

There were towels left on the seats at the Holy Well, I’d love to know what that was about, I’m guessing it’s for some kind of cure, and that the person will collect them.

The podcast is going well, it’s had over 500 downloads now – and it’s not even a month old yet, thank you to everyone who has listened. I’ve also had some really lovely compliments about it, people telling me I’m a natural, so that’s really lovely to hear. I love editing the episodes as well as recording them, it’s quite fascinating really listening to people’s voices, and the way they speak. I have a good few people lined up to speak to, so I’m looking forward to that.

I’ve decided that the ‘What’s on in Sligo and beyond’ won’t continue though. Out of all the episodes, it’s the one that does the worst, and it’s the one that takes the longest, between calling out and compiling the info, recording the podcast, and adding the blog post to go along with it. There’s really no point if it’s not getting the reach. It also reminds me of the work that I used to put into Sligo Hub, and one of the reasons that I moved on from it. For the moment I’ll just stick to chatting to people, and talking to myself, I’m very good at the latter 😉 I actually bought some microphones now, so hopefully the sound quality might get better.

It’s six months since we said goodbye to Rocket-dog, and his rose bloomed for the first time. His ashes are in a little memorial garden that I did when Puggly died, and the rose is called Arthur Bell, his full name was Rocket-dog Arthur Biscuit, so I think it’s kind of fitting.

It’s my mother’s anniversary tomorrow, it’ll be five years since she died, and my dreams are echoing that. It wasn’t an easy relationship, and I had a really awful nightmare on Friday night that has stayed with me. Hopefully after tomorrow I’ll settle a bit.

I’ve been asked to give a talk about mental health to a local group, I’m nervous, but I’ve said yes, if my experience can help others it’ll be all good. It’s not until the 18th, so I’ll tell you more about that after I’ve done it.

I hope you are all keeping well, and thank you all for reading. A special thank you to Sanja, Treasa, Mary, Nora, and Claire, who all supported the blog this week. It’s very much appreciated, and it paid for my microphones.

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