Sunday Thoughts

Hello again, and happy Sunday – and for a change it is a Sun-day! The sun is shining in Sligo at last! Well I say at last, we did have a day of summer on Wednesday, but it was followed by a couple of days of rain. I’ve been painting the outside walls – it between work, weather, and everything else.

It’s been a busy week, on Monday I went along to Ballisodare Women’s Shed to give a talk about my mental health experience. It went really well I think, and for once I wasn’t a nervous wreck, you can read more about it here.

There has been some photography this week, it was nice to be behind a camera again, and to push myself a bit out of my comfort zone. It’s not bad to challenge myself from time to time. Although when the camera battery needed charging, my internal battery needed charging too – and I had to have a nap yesterday afternoon.

I’m still working on my ‘big project’, there’s a lot going on in the background, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it when the time is right.

I was thinking today about people coming into our lives at certain times. Some of them don’t stay for very long, but most of the time it seems like we have something to learn from each person. Although sometimes people are like extras in a TV programme, just there in the background – and non-speaking roles. I’m always interested in the people I meet, I love when you scratch just below the surface and the stories come out. I think that’s what I love most about the podcasts, finding something interesting and inspirational about people. Anna’s podcast is getting lots of listeners, and Anna sums up the definition of inspirational, if you haven’t listened, you can do so here.

I also recorded a podcast about my experience of panic attacks. The mental health podcasts aren’t getting many listens, that might be a sign to me to stop doing them. I love seeing what people are interested in, and what they aren’t. It’s all a learning curve. I’m getting a few people contacting me about being involved in the podcast, so hopefully they’ll be some more interesting episodes to come. It’s my favourite thing to do at the moment.

That’s about it for this week. I hope you are all keeping well. Thanks for reading.

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