A Visit to Saffon’s Garden – One of the Secret Gardens of Sligo

I love visiting gardens and spending time in nature, it’s something I don’t do enough of, because it’s just so relaxing; watching the bees go about their work, and listening to the bird song.

Saffron has the most beautiful garden, located on the Sligo/Roscommon border, and she is part of the Secret Gardens of Sligo – this is a collective of ten Sligo gardens, that are open to the public during the summer months, to raise money for charity. You can listen to my chat with Saffron on the podcast, just click here.

Saffron’s garden is made up of different areas, and walk ways, and each one is a beautiful as there other. There are so many stunning flowers and plants, and I was amazed to hear the bamboo making a popping sound. I didn’t know it did that!

Saffron spent time telling me about the different varieties of plants and she was so welcoming and friendly, she also told me about the wildlife that visit the garden, and she showed me some of her beautiful sculptures that are in the garden.

I was delighted to see a Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth – I thought it was a Hummingbird moth, even though it looked different to the one I’d previously seen, but Michael from Nature Learn told me what is was, and how it mimics a bee! What a stunning creature.

It was such a special way to spend some time, and I’m very grateful to Saffron for her hospitality. You can find out more about the Secret Gardens of Sligo on the website.

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