Sunday Thoughts

Hello again, and happy Sunday - and for a change it is a Sun-day! The sun is shining in Sligo at last! Well I say at last, we did have a day of summer on Wednesday, but it was followed by a couple of days of rain. I've been painting the outside walls - it... Continue Reading →

Sunday Thoughts

It's been a busy week, and there have been lots of coffee, and lots of chats. I love talking to people, everyone has something interesting to say, and I find it very theraputic. I'm also buzzing with ideas - and I need to settle myself a bit, because I'm going to get exhausted, I'm telling... Continue Reading →

Sunday Thoughts

Hello from sunny Sligo, now there’s something I don’t say very often! It’s a beautiful Sunday morning here, and it’s so nice to see blue skies and sunshine, after what feels like months of rain and dull days. I hope it’s sunny where you are, and that you get a chance to enjoy it. It’s... Continue Reading →

Sunday Thoughts

Once again it's been a while since I've written a Sunday Thoughts blog post. We are now into Autumn and the weather has started to turn colder, it was lovely to see all the butterflies this month though, I've never seen as many. It seemed like as soon as I ushered one outside, another came... Continue Reading →

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Lazy Sunday Afternoon, originally uploaded by magnum_lady. I've spent a lazy day today, I feel really tired, mind you I didn't sleep very well last night so that's probably why. The weather has turned really cold, more like Winter then Autumn and it's getting dark at around 7pm. Lucy is back to school tomorrow, so... Continue Reading →


Cards, originally uploaded by magnum_lady. We had my mum over for dinner today as it's a bank holiday weekend here in Ireland. We had a lovely day and played Deal or No Deal (I lost!) Then we played cards, I won one game but that was about it. Mum took Jono out for a walk... Continue Reading →

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